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Looking to start a LoB HB on launch

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1Looking to start a LoB HB on launch  Empty Looking to start a LoB HB on launch Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:42 pm


Looking to start a LoB Hero Band on launch. Just going to be a chillax community.
I am Styx in the New Dawn discord. Feel free to msg me Smile

2Looking to start a LoB HB on launch  Empty Re: Looking to start a LoB HB on launch Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:41 pm


same here brother , see you in the game !

3Looking to start a LoB HB on launch  Empty Re: Looking to start a LoB HB on launch Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:11 am


ne3rgal wrote:same here brother , see you in the game !

Yo make sure to hit me up once we hit in game

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